An expression is a word or group of words used in a particular situation or by particular people.
In English an expression doesn't always have a particular grammar structure but is commonly used in spoken English.
Examples :
Expression example sentences | |
To be more realistic, of course! | 当然是为了更真实些! |
That's wonderful, thank you very much! | 那太好了,太谢谢你了! |
Can you stop bothering me, please? | 请不要打扰我,好吗? |
I just need your name and mobile number, please. | 我只需要您的名字和手机号码,请。 |
Yeah, I was wondering if his willy was sticking in or out, thanks! | 是的,我想知道他的小鸡鸡是插在里面还是凸在外面,谢谢! |
I'll have another glass of wine, please. | 我再要一杯葡萄酒,谢谢。 |
Can you pass me the wine from the fridge, please? | 你能将葡萄酒从冰箱递给我吗? |
Sure, no problem. | 当然可以,没问题。 |
Really? It wasn't obvious, thanks for clarifying! | 真的?我没看出来,谢谢你的澄清! |
Okay, see you! | 好的,再见! |
What's up guys, how is it going? | 怎么了,伙计们,过得怎么样呀? |
Okay Toby, my loudmouth friend, sorry to say... | 好的,托比,我的大嘴巴朋友,抱歉地说... |
Maybe later, that's all for now, thank you! | 可能待会儿吧,暂时就这些,谢谢你! |
Excuse me, but what about the complaining about Pogo part? | 打扰下,但是抱怨Pogo的那部分呢? |
Alright, if you say so! | 好的,听你的! |
Umm, I can't remember... You had something meaty, I guess. | 额,我不记得了... 我猜你吃了一些肉。 |
What about the prices? | 价格怎么样? |
Stay on the line, please... | 请别挂断... |
So a bottle would be better, please. | 所以最好是一瓶,麻烦了。 |
Can you stop reminding me about the 10-day situation, please!? | 不要再提醒我10天的事儿了,拜托了!? |