Implied conditional example sentences | |
You wouldn't hear any noise from upstairs in the morning. | 朝、上の階から騒音を聞かなくて済むのよ。 |
I could take Bear for a walk at Hyde Park... | 僕はハイド・パークでベアの散歩ができるだろうね… |
Because, I didn't think it would be a big deal for you! | だって、あなたには大した問題じゃないと思ってたもの! |
Sure, we can change it, but it would also change the rent! | ええ、取り替えますよ。ただし、家賃も変わりますけどね! |
That's bollocks, no one would pay that much for this room! | そんなバカな。こんな部屋にそんなに払うやつなんていないよ! |
Because I didn't think talking to you would solve the problem! | だってあなたに話したところで問題が解決するとは思わなかったもの! |
Oh my god, why would she do that!? | ひどいわ。彼女、どうしてそんなことしたのかしら⁉ |
Wouldn't it be better just to look at the recipe picture on your phone? | 携帯から撮ったレシピの画像を見る方が簡単じゃないのかい? |
But it would take a long time... | でもそれだと時間がかかるわ… |
I don't think going back would make me feel any better! | 今戻ったところで、僕を良い気分にさせてくれるとは思わないな! |
What would you do? | あなたはどうするの? |
Why would I have a problem with her? | 彼女と問題なんてあるわけないだろ? |
Okay, that would be nice. | わかったわ、そうしましょう。 |
Wouldn't it be easier to look at it on your phone? | 携帯で見る方が断然簡単じゃないのかい? |
I can't believe my ears, that would be perfect for him! | 自分の耳が信じられないわ、それは彼にとって完璧だわ! |
Why not? We could be neighbours of Buckingham Palace. | いいだろ? バッキンガム宮殿のご近所さんになれるよ。 |
Since I'm working at home it wouldn't really bother me. | 僕は在宅勤務だからあまり気にならないけどね。 |
Yes please, that would be better than using someone else's bread. | えぇお願い、そっちの方が誰かのパンを使うよりよっぽど良いわ。 |
I thought 50% more would make around 175! | 50% 増しで 175 ぐらいと思ってたんだよ! |
I thought it would be safer keeping it with me. | 僕が持っていたほうが安全だろうと思ったんだ。 |