Implied conditional example sentences | |
That's bollocks, no one would pay that much for this room! | 뭔 개소리예요, 누가 이 방에 산다고 돈을 그만큼 내요! |
Well, I don't think it would be more than 10% more. | 음, 10% 이상은 추가로 안 내도 될 거 같은데. |
Yes, that is what I would normally do, too. | 맞아, 평상시라면 나도 그랬겠지만. |
Yeah, a cup of coffee would be perfect. | 응, 차 한 잔이면 딱 좋겠다. |
Why would I give you that information? | 내가 그 정보를 왜 줘야 하는데요? |
But it would take a long time... | 그렇지만 엄청 오래 걸릴 거 아냐... |
Sorry, but would you rather let Pogo or Bear get stung? | 저기요, 그럼 포고나 베어가 쏘이게 내버려 둬야 됐다는 거야? |
Ha-ha-ha that's what I would do, too! | 하하하, 나 같아도 그러겠다! |
But I'm not sure if I'd like having chicken as left overs. | 하지만 닭 남은 요리도 좋을지는 잘 모르겠네. |
What would you do? | 너 같음 어떡할 건데? |
Sure, we can change it, but it would also change the rent! | 그래요, 바꿀 수야 있지만, 바꾼다면 집세도 바뀌겠죠! |
I didn't say always, I would say often. | 맨날 빌린다고는 안 했지, 자주 빌릴 뿐. |
Why would Pinocchio do it to himself? | 그걸 왜 피노키오가 직접 하고 앉아있겠어? |
Because I didn't think talking to you would solve the problem! | 당신한테 얘기한다고 문제가 해결될 거 같지 않았으니까! |
Also who would order bugs on their wedding anniversary!? | 그리고 결혼기념일에 벌레를 주문하는 사람이 어딨어!? |
You wouldn't hear any noise from upstairs in the morning. | 윗층에서 부스럭거리는 소리를 아침에 안 들어도 되잖아. |
Oh my god, why would she do that!? | 세상에, 왜 그런 짓을 했대!? |
Wouldn't it be better just to look at the recipe picture on your phone? | 레시피 사진을 휴대폰으로 보는 게 더 낫지 않아? |
Hm, I never measure it but about a tablespoon would be enough! | 음, 난 계량은 안하는데, 대략 1 테이블스푼 정도면 충분할 거야! |
Aren't they the fixtures of the house? Why would we buy them? | 그건 붙박이 세간이잖아요? 그걸 우리가 왜 삽니까? |