In English, in more formal situations, we often use indirect questions because they sound more polite.
To make a question more polite we often begin with an indirect question phrase such as:
Example questions :
DIRECT QUESTION : Where is the post office?
INDIRECT QUESTION : Do you know where the post office is?
DIRECT QUESTION : What's the time?
INDIRECT QUESTION : Could you tell me what the time is?
DIRECT QUESTION : Does this train go to Brighton?
INDIRECT QUESTION : Can you tell me if this train goes to Brighton?
DIRECT QUESTION : Is there a bank nearby?
INDIRECT QUESTION : Have you any idea whether there is a bank nearby?
Note for use of indirect questions :
If the direct question begins with an auxiliary verb ( no question word), add 'if' or 'whether' after an indirect question phrase to make the question indirect.
We don't use 'if' or whether with Do you think...?
eg. Do you think he's gone to London? NOT Do you think if he's gone to London?
Indirect question example sentences | |
Don't you think you are getting a bit too angry? | Denkst du nicht, dass du dich etwas zu sehr aufregst? |
It's seven thirty! Who do you think it could be? | Es ist 7:30 Uhr! Wer meinst du könnte das sein? |
Can you tell me where you are taking me first? | Kannst du mir zuerst sagen, wohin du mich bringst? |
Do you really think you want to solve the problem? | Denkst du wirklich du möchtest das Problem lösen? |
When do you think we can have the meeting? | Wann denkst du, können wir uns treffen? |
Don't you think he is a nice guy? | Denkst du nicht, dass er ein netter Kerl ist? |
Can you tell me, Nick, how much they pay, please? | Nick, kannst du mir bitte sagen wie viel sie bezahlen? |
Don't you think it's better to live upstairs? | Denkst du nicht, dass es besser ist oben zu wohnen? |
Erm, what do you think she could do to them? | Ähm, was meinst du könnte sie ihnen antun? |
How long do you think it's going to take to be ready? | Wie lange denkst du, wird es dauern, bis er fertig ist? |
Yeah, I forgot that, when do you think we can meet, then? | Ja, das habe ich vergessen. Wann sollten wir uns dann treffen? |
How much do you think renting a house would cost? | Was meinst du wie viel es kosten würde ein Haus zu mieten? |
Do you think we should pay for it? | Denkst du wir sollten dafür zahlen? |
Do you think it's a good idea? | Denkst du die Idee ist gut? |
Do you know how the girls are getting to Soho? | Weißt du wie die Mädels nach Soho kommen? |
When do you think you will be leaving? | Wann denkst du, wirst du losgehen? |
Do you think we can let him go out? | Denkst du wir können ihn rauslassen? |
Yes, I'm ready, do you think I'll need a jacket? | Ja, ich bin bereit. Denkst du, dass ich eine Jacke brauchen werde? |
That's insane, do you think we can negotiate the prices? | Das ist Wahnsinn. Meinst du wir können die Preise verhandeln? |
Can you explain why we have to pay £30 more per week please? | Kannst du mir bitte erklären weshalb wir £30 mehr pro Woche zahlen müssen? |