In English we use should / shouldn't /ought to / oughtn't to give advice. We use should / ought to to say something is a good thing to do and shouldn't / oughtn't to say something is a bad thing to do.
Example sentences :
Note : To ask for advice we can say: What should I do?
In English, "can" is a modal verb and only has a present, past and conditional form. It can also be used with a future meaning.
Example sentences :
Note : Can is not used to talk about specific possibilities.
Example sentences :
In English, could is used to talk about past ability/ permission/ possibility.
Example sentences :
"Be able to" can be used in the present, past, future, present perfect and as a gerund or infinitive.
Example sentences :
Note : be able to in the present and past is more formal than can or could.
In English we use might or may to say something in the future is possible, but not decided.
Example sentences :
To make questions with might we usually use Do you think...?
Example questions :
In English we can also use might in short answers.
Example short answers :
In English we use have to + infinitive to say something is necessary or obligatory. We normally use have to for a general obligation from an outside source, such as work or the law.
Examples sentences :
In English we use don't have to + infinitive to say something is not necessary or obligatory. It means you can if you want to, but it's not necessary.
Example sentences :
To make questions we use do/does.
Example questions :
Form : ( Must + infinitive without to )
In English we use must + infinitive to talk about rules and obligations. We normally use must when the speaker imposes the obligation, such as a teacher to students, or even to yourself.
Form : ( Mustn't + infinitive without to )
In English we use mustn't + infinitive to say something is prohibited.
Example sentences :
Note : You can often use can't or be + not allowed to instead of mustn't.
Example sentences :
Note : Mustn't and don't have to have completely different meanings.
Mustn't Vs Don't Have To
Note : Have to is a normal verb and exists in all tenses whereas must is a modal verb and its only forms are must and mustn't.
You can also use have to and must for strong recommendations.
Example sentences :
In English we use must when we are sure something is true.
Example sentences :
In English we use may or might when we think something is possibly true.
Examples sentences :
In English we use can't when we are sure something is impossible.
Examples sentences :
Note : In this context, the opposite of must is can't, NOT mustn't!
In the past, can't, could, may, might and must for probability change to can't have, could have, may have, might have and must have + past participle (Verb 3).
In the past, should and ought to change to should have and ought to have + past participle (Verb 3).
Note : the form of "must" for obligation and "can" are exceptions.
Must for obligation changes to had to + infinitive
Can changes to could or was able to
Modal example sentences | |
You should, it might be more helpful to find some houses around here. | А надо бы, возможно, это поможет найти жилье неподалеку. |
Can you please make your decision ASAP and let me know? | Мог бы ты принять решение ПОБЫСТРЕЕ и дать мне знать? |
I can tell their sex from their face. | Я могу распознать их пол по внешнему виду. |
Mike, you are cutting out, I can't hear you! | Майк, твой голос прерывается, я тебя не слышу! |
I can't hear you, Mike! | Я не слышу тебя, Майк! |
Can you call the manager and get back to me ASAP? | Ты можешь сейчас позвонить менеджеру и сразу же перезвонить мне? |
Hmm, well, I guess I have to think about it. | Ммм, я думаю, мне стоит об этом подумать. |
Okay, can you boil some water in the kettle, then? | Хорошо, ты можешь тогда согреть в чайнике воды? |
Then I can start peeling the potatoes. | Потом я начну чистить картошку. |
But I have to finish doing everything today. | Но я должна закончить все делать сегодня. |
After hearing the pooping story, I'm not sure I should offer this... | Услышав эту историю, я не уверен, что мне стоит такое предлагать... |
It's already scary dear, you don't have to make it scarier! | Мне уже страшно, дорогой, не делай все еще страшнее! |
Plus I really have to have a shower. | Плюс мне реально надо принять душ. |
Yeah, maybe next time you can put that as a note on the ad. | Ага, может, в следующий раз Вы укажите этот пункт в объявлении. |
Of course, we can leave whenever you want. | Конечно, мы можем уйти, когда захочешь. |
Possibly, also the new environment might make him feel insecure. | Возможно, к тому же новая обстановка заставляет его чувствовать себя в опасности. |
I can understand that. | Представляю. |
I'm already doing all the donkey work, how else can I help? | Я уже сделал всю тупую работу, ну в чем еще я могу помочь? |
But I have to do it sometimes to visit my family. | Но я вынуждена иногда летать, чтобы навестить мою семью. |
Really? The walls are in very bad condition, they have to be re-painted... | Реально? Стены в очень плохом состоянии, их нужно перекрашивать... |