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Polite request / offer / suggestion Exercises

( Free Online English Grammar Lessons )

Read time : 1 minute

In English we use phrases to ask for something we want politely.

I'd like... =  I would like...  / Can I have...? / Could I have...?

Examples sentences : 

  • I'd like a bottle of water, please.
  • Can I have the bill, please?
  • Could I have the chicken salad, please?

We use Would you like...? for offers (when we want to give something or help someone)

Examples sentences :

  • Would you like a drink?
  • Would you like cheese in your burger?
  • Would you like a cup of tea?

Notes for use of polite request / offer / suggestions :

'Would you like' has the same meaning as 'Do you want' but is a more polite way of offering something!

In English we use the question phrase 'Why don't you / we...?' to make a polite suggestion.

  • Why don't you see a doctor?
  • Why don't you go home and go to bed?
  • Why don't you take the day off?
  • Why don't we get a bottle?
Polite request / offer / suggestion example sentences
Would you like some salad, Cate?
Cate, why don't you go and get Pogo from the garden.
Would you like me to order you two something else?
Don't you think a 50% rise is too much!?
I believe I can! Why don't you try helping me a bit?
It must be a sign, why don't you...
Diego, we were just about to order some drinks, would you like something?
Why don't you use your own phone?
Would you like to sit inside or outside?
Where would you like to sit, Cate?
Come on dear, what would you like to drink?
Would you like any salad or sides with that?
Would you like to sit by the window?
Do you mind if I join you?
We have an apron, why don't you wear it?
Erm, I was going to ask if you would like to come to Brighton with me tomorrow.
Shall we get a bottle of chardonnay?
There are 3 types of parmesan, which one would you like me to get?
It's getting late, shall we leave soon?
Shall we check the deli section while we are here?


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cem277698   1+ w
Be going to
Be going to passive
Be used to / Get used to
Defining relative clause
Echo tag
First conditional
Future continuous
Future perfect continuous
Future perfect passive
Future perfect simple
Future simple passive
Have/Get something done
Implied conditional
Indirect question
Infinitive of purpose
Mixed conditional
Modal passive
Non-defining relative clause
Past continuous
Past continuous passive
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect passive
Past perfect simple
Past simple
Past simple passive
Polite request / offer / suggestion
Present continuous
Present continuous passive
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect passive
Present perfect simple
Present simple
Present simple passive
Question tag
Reduced relative clause
Reported speech imperative
Reported speech question
Reported speech request
Reported speech statement
Second conditional
Short answer
Third conditional
Used to / would (past habit)
Was/were going to
Was/were supposed to
Would rather
Zero conditional