In English we use was / were going to to talk about plans we made in the past which didn't happen, or won't happen in the future.
Examples sentences :
Notes for use of was / were going to :
We often use this form to apologize for not doing something and give a reason why.
Was/were going to example sentences | |
I was just going to ask you if you could do me a favour. | .كنت سأطلب منك اذا ما كان يمكنك أن تسدى لى معروفاً |
What else were you going to cook with the chicken? | ماذا أيضاً كنت ستطهو بجانب الدجاج؟ |
Hi Cate! I was going to call you, too... | ...مرحباً كيت! كنت سأتصل بكِ الآن، أيضاً |
I was just going to mash some garlic for the risotto! | !كنت سأقوم بطحن بعض الثوم للروزيتو |
We were going to get something to eat on the way! | !كنا سنذهب لإحضار شيئاً لنأكله فى الطريق |
Umm, I was going to finish talking to Nick about the rent. | .امم، كنت سأنهي حديثي مع نيك حول الإيجار |
How did I know you were going to ask that? | كيف كنت أعلم أنك ستطلب ذلك؟ |