In English we use the present perfect simple to talk about the following situations :
When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with now. The action in the past has a present result.
Notes for use of present perfect simple :
We can use the words 'just', 'yet' and 'already' with the present perfect simple. We use 'just' to mean a short time ago, 'yet' to mean until now, when the speaker is expecting something to happen, and 'already' when something happened sooner than expected. We use 'just' and 'already' between the auxiliary verb 'have' or 'has' and the main verb in positive sentences. We use 'yet' at the end of negative sentences and questions.
When we start a sentence with the phrase "It's the first time", "It's the second time", etc, we continue with the present perfect simple tense.
The verb 'go' has two past participles : Been / Gone
In English we use 'been' when we talk about going somewhere and coming back and we use 'gone' to indicate the person is still there.
The table below shows the different forms of present perfect simple :
Example verb : Go | I / You / We / they | He / She / It |
Positive | ...'ve gone ... | ...'s gone ... |
Negative | ... haven't gone ... | ... hasn't gone ... |
Questions | Have ... gone ...? | Has ... gone? |
Short answers | Yes, ... have. / No, ... haven't. | Yes, ... has. / No, ... hasn't. |
Present Perfect Simple Example Sentences :
Positive Examples of Present Perfect Simple :
Negative Examples of Present Perfect Simple :
Question Examples of Present Perfect Simple :
In English we often use the present perfect simple with 'ever' and 'never'. 'Ever' means at any time in your life until now. It is often used in questions for emphasis.
Examples Sentences :
'Ever' is also used with nothing and nobody to talk about things that haven't happened.
Example Sentences :
'Ever' is also used with 'the first time' for first experiences.
Example Sentences :
'Never' is originally the contraction of 'not ever'. Never means the subject hasn't had a certain experience before.
Example Sentences :
In English 'Never' can be used in negative questions to show surprise that someone hasn't had a particular experience before.
Example Questions :
In English we use the present perfect simple with superlatives.
Example Sentence :
In English we also use the present perfect simple to describe change.
Example Sentence :
In English we often use the present perfect simple tense to talk about a continuing situation. This is a state that started in the past and continues in the present (and will probably continue into the future). This is a state (not an action). We usually use 'for' or 'since' with this structure.
Example Sentences :
We use 'for' to talk about a period of time - 5 minutes, 2 weeks, 6 years.
We use 'since' to talk about a point in past time - 9 o'clock, 1st January, Monday.
Example Sentences :
In English, 'For' can be used with all tenses. 'Since' is usually used with perfect tenses only.
Although the above use of present perfect simple is normally limited to non-continuous verbs and non-continuous uses of mixed verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT non-continuous verbs.
In English we don't usually use the present perfect continuous with verbs that talk about short actions such as start, find, lose, break, buy, stop, etc. Then we use present perfect simple.
Present perfect simple example sentences | |
Okay, have you completed your list now? | Tudo bem, você já concluiu sua lista? |
What about you? We haven't talked about you! | E você? Não falamos sobre você! |
Let me see, hmm, some of the rice has spilled out. | Deixe eu ver, hum, parte do arroz foi derramado. |
No, I haven't had any time to check it yet. | Não, ainda não tive tempo para verificar. |
I've never realised that. | Eu nunca me tinha apercebido disso. |
Have you eaten anything? | Já comeu alguma coisa? |
Have you made a decision, dear? | Você já tomou uma decisão, querido? |
Alright, it has been sorted! | Muito bem, problema resolvido! |
You are exaggerating now, it's just been 10 minutes. | Agora você está exagerando, passaram apenas 10 minutos. |
Have you found it yet? | Já encontrou? |
Of course, but you haven't finished the wine in your glass yet. | Claro, mas você ainda não acabou de beber o vinho que tem no copo. |
Have you had time to look for houses on the internet? | Você ainda não teve tempo de procurar casa na internet? |
I can't believe how it has turned into my fault now! | Nem acredito que agora a culpa é minha! |
Not long, I have smoked a couple of cigarettes. | Não muito, fumei uns cigarros. |
Have you checked if we have enough plates? | Já verificou se temos pratos suficientes? |
Diego took him out, it has been about 45 minutes. | O Diego levou-o a passear, já lá vão cerca de 45 minutos. |
Yes, I have heard that before. | Sim, já ouvi dizer. |
I haven't finished my breakfast yet. | Eu ainda não terminei meu café da manhã. |
Where is the lucky girl, has she left already? | Onde está a sortuda, já foi embora? |
You must be the luckiest girl I've ever met! | Você deve ser a garota mais sortuda que eu conheço! |