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Present simple Exercises

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Present Simple Form : (Base form (verb 1 ) )

In English we use the present simple tense to talk about facts or things that are always true, as well as things in general. Present simple is also used to talk about a repeated action such as a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens.

In English we use 'do' and 'does' as auxiliary verbs in negatives and questions and we often use the present simple with adverbs of frequency such as sometimes, always, often, never, usually, rarely, and hardly ever.

Notes for use of present simple :

In the third person, ‘s’ is added to the verb form. For example;

work --> works

run --> runs

live --> lives

For verbs that end in 'o', 'sh', 'ch', 's' and 'x', we add 'es' to the verb form. For example;

go --> goes

wish --> wishes

watch --> watches

kiss --> kisses

fax --> faxes

For verbs that end in a consonant + 'y', we change the 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'. For example;

try --> tries

study --> studies

The table below shows the different forms of present simple :

Example Verb : Work
I / You  / We / They
He / She / It
Positive... work.... works.
Negative... don't work.... doesn't work.


Do ... work?Does ... work?
Short answersYes, ... do. / No, ... don't.Yes, ... does. / No, ... doesn't.

For the verb 'to be' we use 'am', 'is', 'are' in the present simple. No auxiliary verbs are used in negative sentences and questions.

Verb: Be
You / We / They
He / She / It
PositiveI'm ...... 're ...... 's ...
NegativeI'm not ...... aren't ...... isn't ...
QuestionsAm I ... ?Are ... ...?Is ... ...?
Short answersYes, I am. / No, I'm not.Yes, ... are. / No, ... aren't.Yes, ... is. / No, ... isn't.

Present Simple Example Sentences :

Positive Examples of Present Simple :

  • She plays tennis on Saturdays.
  • They often eat out in Soho.
  • The train leaves at 9.00am.
  • My name is Mike.
  • I am 24 years old.

Negative Examples of Present Simple :

  • I don’t work at weekends.
  • He doesn’t go out on Fridays.
  • We don’t live in the city centre.
  • She isn't hungry.
  • You aren't late.

Question Examples of Present Simple :

  • Do you eat three meals per day?
  • Does he have a car?
  • Do they live in London? 
  • Is your cat OK?
  • What's wrong with him?

Present simple example sentences
Okay, how long is it, do you know?좋아, 얼마나 긴지 혹시 알아?
That's right, we should never forget how irresponsible my housemates are.맞아, 내 하우스메이트들이 얼마나 무책임한지 결코 잊어서는 안 되는데.
They don't usually work after ten o'clock.밤 10시 지나면 보통 끝나거든.
I have two more lessons, I finish at three thirty.수업 두 개 남았으니까, 3시 30분에 마쳐.
Mike, it is a continent!마이크, '처럼'이 아니라 대륙 맞아!
Yes, that's okay, we are just about to leave.응, 괜찮아, 이제 막 뜨려던 참이었어.
Yes, my number is 0773***0282.응, 내 번호는 0773***0282야.
The packets have 2 pieces in them.이 패키지에는 두 조각이 들었어.
What's the time, are we early?지금 몇 시지, 우리가 일찍 왔나?
Hang on, I remember you telling me you never kill animals!잠깐만, 너 동물은 절대 안 죽인다고 말했던 게 기억나는데!
Is that right?맞지?
Do you want me to wash the wine bottle before I pour it?와인 따르기 전에 병도 씻을까?
These days I'm into 60's, 70's remixes.요즘은 60년대나 70년대 리믹스가 좋아.
It only takes 15 or 20 minutes.한 15에서 20분 정도 밖에 안 걸릴 거야.
Hmm... Tomorrow is a bank holiday.어... 내일은 뱅크 홀리데이니까.
Yeah, it's not common, but that's what it says in the recipe.그래, 흔치는 않지만, 레시피가 그렇게 말하는 걸.
Nothing, 'cause I don't know what the woman looks like.나야 아무 것도 안하지, 그 할머니가 어떻게 생겼는지 모르니까.
Yes, I'm here waiting for good news.네, 좋은 소식 기다리고 있어요.
No, I won't... I don't want a house in Mayfair anymore!안 할 거야... 더는 메이페어에 있는 집을 구하고 싶지 않아!
I think I deserve a kiss...나 키스를 받을만하다고 생각하는데...


Burakbir..   1+ w
Yeliz   1+ w
Be going to
Be going to passive
Be used to / Get used to
Defining relative clause
Echo tag
First conditional
Future continuous
Future perfect continuous
Future perfect passive
Future perfect simple
Future simple passive
Have/Get something done
Implied conditional
Indirect question
Infinitive of purpose
Mixed conditional
Modal passive
Non-defining relative clause
Past continuous
Past continuous passive
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect passive
Past perfect simple
Past simple
Past simple passive
Polite request / offer / suggestion
Present continuous
Present continuous passive
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect passive
Present perfect simple
Present simple
Present simple passive
Question tag
Reduced relative clause
Reported speech imperative
Reported speech question
Reported speech request
Reported speech statement
Second conditional
Short answer
Third conditional
Used to / would (past habit)
Was/were going to
Was/were supposed to
Would rather
Zero conditional