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Would you like to sit by the window?

( Хочешь сесть возле окна? )

Would you like to sit by the window? Translations
Deutsche Möchtest du am Fenster sitzen?
Español ¿Te gustaría sentarte al lado de la ventana?
Français Tu veux t'asseoir côté fenêtre?
Italiano Vuoi sederti vicino alla finestra?
日本語 窓側に座りたい?
Português Quer se sentar perto da janela?
Türkçe Pencere kenarında mı oturmak istersin?
简体中文 你想要靠窗坐吗?
عربي هل تودين الجلوس بجوار النافذة؟
한글 네가 창가석 앉을래?
हिन्दी क्या तुम खिड़की के पास बैठना चाहोगी?


ernestog   1+ w
İ think you should sit by the window, Mikey, considering your condition.
Sama   1+ w
sure, she'd love that
MariaK   1+ w
cate, he's giving up the window seat for you. you should marry him.