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Didn't I just say the same thing?

( Não acabei de dizer isso mesmo? )

Didn't I just say the same thing? Translations
Deutsche Hab ich das nicht gerade gesagt?
Español ¿No acabo de decir lo mismo?
Français J'ai pas dit la même chose?
Italiano Non ho appena detto la stessa cosa?
日本語 僕、同じ事言わなかったっけ?
Русский А разве я сказал не то же самое?
Türkçe Ben de zaten aynı şeyi söylemedim mi?
简体中文 我刚才说的不是一回事吗?
عربي ألم أقل نفس الشىء؟
한글 내가 말이 헛나왔나?
हिन्दी क्या मैंने भी यही नहीं कहा?


ernestog   1+ w
I don't know.  I stopped paying attention hours ago.
Sama   1+ w
No you didn't mike, let's move on
MariaK   1+ w
yeah no you didn't honey. sorry but you sounded beyond stupid.