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( 44 | Male | Indonesia )

in turkey, toast means grilled cheese sandwich but in the uk it just means toasted bread. so she just had bread. sad...
1+ w
Idt she would only have bread. Probably she put something on it but didnt see any urge to mention... just guessing
what's the difference between mussels and oysters?
1+ w
Mussels are midye oysters are istiridye
Cate or Kate is short for Catherine or Katherine... so the spelling usually depends on the longer name it is shortened from :)
1+ w
i guess you must be a british person
Yes I was a teenager in THE 80s...
1+ w
oh sorry about THAT!
Alanis Morissette in her song "You oughta know" :)
1+ w
must be from 80s ;)
1+ w
who the fuck uses ought to